Effective breastfeeding without contraceptive hormones


You don't want to take the pill while breastfeeding and want to protect your baby from the harmful influences of synthetic hormones? You also don't want to be pregnant again during breastfeeding?

This is made possible with Symptothermy.

The art of breastfeeding is a highly natural and effective management of your fertility if you honor a couple of rules. Use the Breastfeeding 1 or 2 mode on sympto® depending on the frequency of your feedings. You will find all the information you need in the Breastfeeding chapter of our Learning Manual "The Complete Symptothermal Guide", free on sympto.org. The principles are easy to integrate. You can always sign up for personal counseling specific to your needs.

Couple d'amoureux


How does this conception regulation work?

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Natural birth conception. You can manage your fertile window, your conception whish, also breastfeeding and premenopausal. Your data remain anonymous.

Gina sympto Counselor


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Manuel Sympto


Ecological Birth Control and Pregnancy Achievement

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Tarifs Sympto


You enter the symptothermal world

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