15 Days Free Trial with Counseling, without any Commitment
Discover the world of symptothermal cycle charting with sympto, your fertility interpreter! Simply click on the Login/Start Trial button in our menue above and create an account to begin your free trial that includes counseling. Once you have opened your account you will have access to the sympto web portal which is your Premium Access. You will then receive complimentary in email the sympto Basics Primer that will introduce you to the method.
From your account, you will be able to use the sympto message box where you can communicate with us and your personal counselor confidentially. Your counselor can view your chart for the duration of your trial so that she can help you correct entries.
Please do add notes to your chart to help your counselor pinpoint problematic cycle days: chart interpretation depends entirely on the coherence and competence of your entries. On sympto, you can enter data from past cycles and your counselor will be able to review them with you as well. As you begin charting on sympto, it is a good idea to download The Complete Symptothermal Guide free of charge from our symptoSHOP. It is your instructional text to using the sympto program and the method. There is a lot of information there, so don’t be alarmed if you feel a little overwhelmed: we are here to help you every step of the way! Remember also that charting your cycle is not intuitive but subject to a set of rules acquired over time as you see them in action in your very own cycle chart that sympto interprets for you!
Our counselors are trained and certified in the method by The SymptoTherm Foundation. Much like the sympto charting program and our apps, they are equipped to handle any fertility situation, including coming-off-the-pill, breastfeeding and perimenopause. Your counselor will reply to you twice per week if you submit questions to her in the message box. You are welcome to submit several questions separately or bundle them. At the end of your free trial, you may continue charting on your own in our app Sympto Stars, or select a counseling package from the symptoSHOP and continue with a Sympto Stars WEB Access on sympto.org. The free trial does not commit you to buying anything.
Sympto Stars WEB costs 350 Euros once for unlimited access and inclues one year counseling in the secured message box. This access allows you to log in to your account from any computer and from any cell phone. The WEB version is formatted like the app. You just have to create a shortcut link from the log in on sympto.org to your home screen. You don't need to subscribe to the app in the Google Play or App stores.
If we just want to continue with the app: we offer the Sympto Stars app on the Google Play Store and the App Store (without counseling). You can subscribe there to the app and benefit from 30 days of free testing.
The apps sync to your account on sympto.org so that even when your free trial expires and you decide not to buy any Sympto Stars WEB Access or counseling package at this time, your login credentials will give you access to your charts in the app where you can just pick up where you left off. If you find you need more help, send us a message and we will help match you with the appropriate counseling package. You can communicate with your counselor from the message box in your account on sympto.org and in your app. The sympto message box remains available for you even outside of any counseling so that you can let us know if you experience any technical difficulties.
Cheers to charting!
Our counselors