Our Starter-Kit for 115 Euros: 45 minutes of counseling session plus all materials you need to tackle the symptothermal method!
This offer is your ideal jump-off point into the symptothermal world. Shipping of your learning materials will take about 2-3 weeks. You set the starting day of your counseling and can postpone your 30 days with your counselor!
Included in the kit :
- shipping of the thermometer and the Guide
- counseling (see the offer Counseling) (80 = Euros) as well as Web Access for 30 counseling days on our website 30 Euros)
This thermometer is designed specifically for fast and precise recording of your waking temperature. Price: 24.9 E, and 15 E for shipping.
- The Guide: sympto Basics for 9 E
The Complete Symptothermal Guide: Ecological Birth Control and Pregnancy Achievement is also available for free download on The print version is on Amazon.
Not included

- Goals: Fertility Awareness: tracking ovulation - women empowerment
, Natural fertility management
and achieving pregnancy, personal note book during pregnancy, special programs for breastfeeding
and for perimenopause 
- Safe storage of all charts, past and present (dating back to the year 2000). Charts are ready for print out in pdf format. Your charts can be posted on Forums or sent by email prior to appointments with your OBGYN for discussion.